Friday 4 March 2011


Hello, I'm Andreas, 21 years old. Old enough to take a responsibility of myself right ? Lol

I'm sure, I'm a men, not a boy again. And men in this age need to think bout their future. So do I, think bout my future, bout what should I do next, what will I be, and what will I end.

So I thought, bout my dream job.

Being an architect? No. Okay I learned it for 4 years on college, but now? I think it's not my path. I'm just suck it up. I don't know how to explain. I really love design, colours, beautiful, and everything bout it. But it's not what I want, its not what I should do for my future.

Being a chef ? Yay.. I really love cooking. I cook allday everyday. Making my own new recipes. I really love mixing and create a great taste. For me, making someone happy caused of my food, it's really really really fabulous. I like it when someone says "wow it's really tasty" or "your food is awesome! It's so delicious". That's the best feeling I've ever heard. but still, cooking is my hobby, not my job. But I'll call it usual intermezzo (thing that you do in your off-time, but I made it usual)

Business, it's something promising. Start my own business, running it, and earn my own profit. It sounds great. Just like my daddy do. I really proud of him. His own business shows significant increase in last year. But he's still trying to make it bigger, and less loss. Even it's just a small business, but he really love his business.<br />
So it's a good choice, but still, need a consideration. How bout the fund? I don't have it, and it's so crucial for business. I want to use my own-earned-money to start business, not my dad's money, or other's money. Entrepreneur is important for us, because, it will set our mind to be a leader. Lead always better than follow. And I should afford to it.

Rofl.. still confused. But I do believe, God creates us in different colors each. And we have our own way. Just follow your heart and there's a key to solve our problems. A good key must be crafted by God too.

So I close my eyes, and just concentrate. And *Tadaa* I found it. Yeah, there's a key to unlock this condition.

The key is : just do what I love to do.

What's that? I mean, take a job that we are comfortable with. Whenever you love something, you'll happy to do it right? So do I.

Talk bout it. After taking a deep concentration (again) and a simple chat with my friend, I found it, I found my future job, my suitable job for me. I just listed my favorite thing. And this is it :

1. I love talking
2. I love singing
3. I love cooking
4. I love writing
5. I love playing (in this case, gaming)
6. I love travelling
7. I love designing
8. I love eatin

Now I'm realized. Talking, singing, writing. Okay it should be my future. I'll take a job in that area. Maybe a writer, or editor, or presenter, singer, or anything. I just wanna do something I really love to do ^_^ .

At last.. I'm happy right now. I have my future. I don't know what will I be, but I'll afford it. I promised myself. Yesterday, my life was fogged up, covered with mud. And it's all clear now. Just like Kesha says "We are who we are" lemme be myself, and not forcing something that I hate to myself. So do you friends, "Just the way you are" Bruno said.

Cheer up, and happy, ahahaha :3


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